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The New Abortion Law in Belgium Leads to a Virtually Full Right to the Termination of Pregnancy in the First 12 Weeks

Received: 29 September 2021     Accepted: 3 November 2021     Published: 29 December 2021
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In 1990, the termination of pregnancy became possible in Belgium under certain conditions. Up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, the explicit request and will of the woman and the emergency situation were the most important conditions for being allowed to have an abortion. After 12 weeks, the intervention was only permitted when the pregnancy had threatened the life of the woman or the child was suffering from a serious and incurable disease. These Belgian legislation was thoroughly reformed in 2018. This article examines whether these recent legislative changes preserve the original objectives of the abortion legislation, i.e., to ensure a balance between the protection of unborn life and the provision of assistance to the pregnant woman in need. The analysis is done by testing the recent changes in the law against these two objectives. The removal of the condition of the emergency situation, the introduction of an exception to the cooling-off period, the compulsory referral of the doctor in the event of a refusal to carry out the intervention herself, the punishment of persons who physically try to prevent a woman from entering a care institution and a limited extension of the pregnancy period have led to a quasi-full right to abortion in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. The precarious balance in the original 1990 law between the woman's need and right to self-determination and the protection of unborn life is completely abandoned in the early period of pregnancy. After these 12 weeks, however, medical conditions such as a serious and incurable disease of the unborn life or when the pregnancy threatens the life of the woman remain in force.

Published in International Journal of Philosophy (Volume 9, Issue 4)
DOI 10.11648/j.ijp.20210904.20
Page(s) 246-252
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Science Publishing Group


Abortion, Legislation, Belgium, Pregnancy, Self-determination

[1] Law of 3 April 1990 on termination of pregnancy, amending Articles 348, 350, 351 and 352 of the Criminal Code and repealing Article 353 of the same Code (1), hereinafter referred to as the 'Basic Law on Termination of Pregnancy'
[2] Law of 15 October 2018 on the voluntary termination, abolishing Articles 350 and 351 of the Criminal Code amending Articles 352 and 383 of the same Code hereinafter referred to as the 'Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy Law”.
[3] Thierry VANSWEEVELT, “Abortus [Abortion]”, OSS, 2011, episode. 68, Brussels, Belgium, p. 28.
[4] Lina OPLINUS, “´Nieuwe´ abortuswet ziet na 28 jaar levenslicht [New abortion law sees the light of day after 28 years], De Juristenkrant, 2018, Brussels, Belgium, No. 375, 5.
[5] For example Wetsvoorstel betreffende de vrijwillige zwangerschapsafbreking [Proposition of Bill on voluntary termination of pregnancy (Muriel GERKENS and Evita WILLAERT and others) Parl. St. Chamber, 2016-17, No. 54-2271/001.
[6] For example Wetsvoorstel tot wijziging van het Strafwetboek inzake abortus, [Proposition of Bill to amend the Penal Code on abortion] (G. ANNEMANS and others.), Parl. St., Chamber 2007-08, No. 52-0424/001.
[7] Wetsvoorstel betreffende de vrijwillige zwangerschapsafbreking [Proposition of Bill on voluntary termination of pregnancy] (D. CLARINVAL, C. VAN CAUTER, V. VAN PEEL and E. VAN HOOF), Parl. St. Chamber, 2017-18, No. 54-3216/001.
[8] Verslag van de tweede lezing van het Wetsvoorstel betreffende de vrijwillige zwangerschapsafbreking [Report on second reading of the Proposition of Bill on voluntary termination of pregnancy] Parl. St. 2017-18, N°. 54-3216/003, Statement by Mr. Pascal Borry, p. 48.
[9] Article 1, § 3, c van de wet van 13 augustus 1990 houdende oprichting van een commissie voor de evaluatie van de wet van 3 april 1990 betreffende de zwangerschapsafbreking, tot wijziging van de artikelen 348, 350, 351 en 352 van het Strafwetboek en tot opheffing van artikel 353 van hetzelfde Wetboek [the Law of 13 August 1990 establishing a Commission for the Evaluation of the Law of 3 April 1990 on Termination of Pregnancy, amending Articles 348, 350, 351 and 352 of the Penal Code and repealing Article 353 of the same Code].
[10] Report on second reading of the Wetsvoorstel betreffende de vrijwillige zwangerschapsafbreking [Proposition of Bill on voluntary termination of pregnancy) Parl. St. 2017-18 No. 54-3216/003, Intervention of Ms Els Van Hoof, p. 71.
[11] Thierry VANSWEEVELT, “Zwangerschapsafbreking onder morele dwang”, [Termination of pregnancy under moral suasion] Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidsrecht/Revue de droit de la santé, 2012/2013, Brussels, Belgium p. 137.
[12] Knack, “Politici hoeven zich geen zorgen meer te maken: iedereen vindt abortus een recht” (“Politicians no longer have to worry: everyone thinks abortion is a right”), 18 April 2018, Brussels, Belgium.
[13] Verslag van de tweede lezing van het Wetsvoorstel betreffende de vrijwillige zwangerschapsafbreking [Report on second reading of the Proposition of the Bill on voluntary termination of pregnancy], Parl. St. 2017-18, No. 54-3216/003, Intervention of Olivier Maingain, p. 26.
[14] Amendementen op het Wetsvoorstel betreffende de vrijwillige zwangerschapsafbreking, [Amendments to the Proposition of the Bill on voluntary termination of pregnancy, Amendment] No 17 of Ms Lalieux and other., Parl. St., 2017-2018, No. 54-316/002, p. 17.
[15] Article 5 of the Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy Law.
[16] Lina OPLINUS, “´Nieuwe´ abortuswet ziet na 28 jaar levenslicht [New abortion law sees the light of day after 28 years]”, De Juristenkrant, 2018, Brussels, Belgium No. 375, 5.
[17] Verslag van de tweede lezing van het Wetsvoorstel betreffende de vrijwillige zwangerschapsafbreking [Report on second reading of the Proposition of the Bill on voluntary termination of pregnancy] Parl. St. 2017-18, No. 54-3216/003, Intervention of Mrs Karine Lalieux, p. 17.
[18] Wetsvoorstel betreffende de zwangerschapsonderbreking [Proposition of Bill on voluntary termination of pregnancy] (L. DETIEGE), Parl. St., Chamber, 1977-78, No. 240/1.
[19] Voorstel van wet tot opheffing van artikelen 351 en 353 en van sommige bepalingen van artikel 383 van het Straf- wetboek en tot vervanging van de tekst van artikel 353 van hetzelfde Wetboek [Proposition of Bill to repeal Articles 351 and 353 and certain provisions of Article 383 of the Penal Code and to replace the text of Article 353 of the same Code (W. CALEWAERT, and others.), Parl. St., Senate, 1970-71 No. 280/1.
[20] Voorstel van wet betreffende de zwangerschapsafbreking, strekkende om de artikelen 348, 350 en 351 van het Strafwetboek te wijzigen en de artikelen 352 en 353 van hetzelfde Wetboek op te heffen [Proposition of Bill to repeal Articles 351 and 353 and certain provisions of Article 383 of the Penal Code and to replace the text of Article 353 of the same Code] (R. LALLEMAND, L. HERMAN-MICHIELSENS, and others) Parl. St., Senate, 1985-86, No. 189/1.
[21] Voorstel van wet betreffende de zwangerschapsafbreking, strekkende om de artikelen 348, 350 en 351 van het Strafwetboek te wijzigen en de artikelen 352 en 353 van hetzelfde Wetboek op te heffen [Proposition of Bill to repeal Articles 351 and 353 and certain provisions of Article 383 of the Penal Code and to replace the text of Article 353 of the same Code] (R. LALLEMAND, L. HERMAN-MICHIELSENS, e.a.), Parl. St., Senate, 1985-86, No. 247/1, p. 9.
[22] Advies van de Raad van State met betrekking tot het voorstel van wet over de zwangerschapsafbreking, strekkende om de artikelen 348, 350 en 351 van het Strafwetboek te wijzigen en de artikelen 352 en 343 van hetzelfde Wetboek op te heffen [Opinion of the Council of State on the Proposition of the Bill on Termination of Pregnancy to amend Articles 348, 350 and 351 of the Penal Code and to abolish Articles 352 and 343 of the same Code, 31 October 1989, Raad van State, Brussels, Belgium No. 247-8, p. 6.
[23] Advies van de Raad van State met betrekking tot het voorstel van wet over de zwangerschapsafbreking, strekkende om de artikelen 348, 350 en 351 van het Strafwetboek te wijzigen en de artikelen 352 en 343 van hetzelfde Wet boek op te heffen [Opinion of the Council of State on the Proposition of the Bill on Termination of Pregnancy to amend Articles 348, 350 and 351 of the Penal Code and to abolish Articles 352 and 343 of the same Code, 15 January 1990, Raad van State, Brussels, Belgium, No.. 950/5, p. 6. 15 January 1990, No. 950/5, p. 6.
[24] Gerard BODIFÉE, Trees DEHAENE, Carine DEVOGELAERE, Herman NYS, Paul SCHOTSMANS, Abortus na de wet,[Abortion after the Law] Leuven, Belgium, Davidsfonds, p. 17.
[25] Verslag van de tweede lezing van het Wetsvoorstel betreffende de vrijwillige zwangerschapsafbreking [Report on second reading of the Proposition of the Bill on voluntary termination of pregnancy, Parl. St. 2017-18, No. 54-3216/003, Statement by Anne Verougstraete, p. 85.
[26] Article 350, 1 (2), 1°, b) of the Criminal Code.
[27] Bart AERTS, “ Combinatie van beperkingen maakt het soms moeilijk [Combination of restrictions makes it sometimes difficult]”, De Juristenkrant, 2010, Brussels, Belgium, No. 210, 6.
[28] See Court of Bruges, 7 February 2006, Tijdschrift Gezondheidsrecht/Revue droit santé, 186, Brussels, Belgium.
[29] Article 2, 3° of the Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy Law.
[30] Verslag van de tweede lezing van het Wetsvoorstel betreffende de vrijwillige zwangerschapsafbreking [Report on second reading of the Proposition of the Bill on voluntary termination of pregnancy, Parl. St. 2017-18, No. 54-3216/003, Intervention of Ms Monica De Coninck, p. 33.
[31] Verslag van de tweede lezing van het Wetsvoorstel betreffende de vrijwillige zwangerschapsafbreking [Report on second reading of the Proposition of the Bill on voluntary termination of pregnancy, Parl. St. 2017-18, No. 54-3216/003, Intervention of Ms Carina Van Cauter, p. 26.
[32] , Verslag van de tweede lezing van het Wetsvoorstel betreffende de vrijwillige zwangerschapsafbreking [Report on second reading of the Proposition of the Bill on voluntary termination of pregnancy, Parl. St. 2017-18, No. 54-3216/003, Intervention of Mr David Clarinval, p. 15.
[33] De Morgen, De nieuwe abortuswet: over symboliek en knelpunten [The new abortion law: about symbolism and bottlenecks], Thierry Vansweevelt and others., 8 November 2018, Antwerp, Belgium.
[34] Amendements relating with the Proposition of the Bill on voluntary termination of pregnancy, Wetsvoorstel betreffende de vrijwillige zwangerschapsafbreking, Parl. St., 2017-18, No. 54-3216/008, Amendement No. 76 Lalieux and others., p. 9.
[35] Article 350, second paragraph, 5° of the Basic Law on Termination of Pregnancy.
[36] Voorstellen van Wet betreffende de zwangerschapsafbreking [Propositions of the Bill on voluntary termination of pregnancy], Parl. St., Senate, 1988-89, 7 July 1989, No. 247-2, p. 146.
[37] Thierry VANSWEEVELT, “Abortus [Abortion]”, OSS, 2011, episode. 68, Brussels, Belgium.
[38] Verslag van de tweede lezing van het Wetsvoorstel betreffende de vrijwillige zwangerschapsafbreking [Report on second reading of the Proposition of the Bill on voluntary termination of pregnancy,] Parl. St. 2017-18, No.. 54-3216/003, Amendements No. 29 en 30, p. 46.
[39] Verslag van de tweede lezing van het Wetsvoorstel betreffende de vrijwillige zwangerschapsafbreking [Report on second reading of the Poposition of the Bill on voluntary termination of pregnancy], Parl. St. 2017-18, No. 54-3216/003, Amendementen nr. 31 en 32, p. 46.
[40] Article. 3, second paragraph of the Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy Law.
[41] See for example French legislation: LOI n° 2017-347 du 20 mars 2017 relative à l'extension du délit d'entrave à l'interruption volontaire de grossesse (1).
[42] Wetsvoorstel betreffende de vrijwillige zwangerschapsafbreking [Proposition of the Bill on voluntary termination of pregnancy (D. CLARINVAL, C. VAN CAUTER, V. VAN PEEL en E. VAN HOOF), Parl. St. Chamber, 2017-18, No. 54-3216/001, p. 4.
[43] De Morgen, hoe de nieuwe abortuswet inhakt op ons rechtssysteem [How the new abortion law is affecting our legal system], Fernand Keuleneer, 12 July 2018, Antwerp, Belgium.
[44] Amendementen, ingediend in plenaire vergadering, Wetsvoorstel betreffende de vrijwillige zwangerschapsafbreking [Parl. St., 2017-18, No. 54-3216/008, Amendement No. 72 Lalieux and others], p. 7. Amendements relating with the Propositon of the Bill on voluntary termination of pregnancy.
[45] Verslag van de tweede lezing van het Wetsvoorstel betreffende de vrijwillige zwangerschapsafbreking [Report on second reading of the Poposition of the Bill on voluntary termination of pregnancy], Parl. St. 2017-18, nNo. 54-3216/003, Intervention of Mrs Anne Roets, p. 82.
[46] Thierry VANSWEEVELT, “Juridische aspecten van het statuut van en het onderzoek op stamcellen en embryo’s [Legal aspects of stem cell and embryo research and status]”, T.Gez/Rev.dr.santé 2007-08, Brussels, Belgium, p. 134.
[47] Verslag van de tweede lezing van het Wetsvoorstel betreffende de vrijwillige zwangerschapsafbreking [Report on second reading of the Proposition of the Bill on voluntary termination of pregnancy, Parl. St. 2017-18, No. 54-3216/003, Intervention of Mrs Muriel Gerkens, p. 3.
[48] Nationale Commissie voor de evaluatie van de wet 3 april 1990 betreffende de zwangerschapsafbreking [National Commission for the Evaluation of the Law of 3 April 1990 on Termination of Pregnancy] Law of 13 August 1990) [, Report to the Parlement 1 January 2010 - 31 December 2011, p. 77.
[49] Article 1, 3° of the Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy Law.
[50] Voorstellen van Wet betreffende de zwangerschapsafbreking [Propositions of Law on Termination of Pregnancy], Parl. St., Senate, 1988-89, 7 July 1989, No. 247-2, p. 6.
[51] Wetsvoorstel betreffende de vrijwillige zwangerschapsafbreking [Proposition of theBill on voluntary termination of pregnancy (D. CLARINVAL, C. VAN CAUTER, V. VAN PEEL en E. VAN HOOF), Parl. St. Chamber, 2017-18, N°. 54-3216/001, 3-4.
[52] De Morgen, hoe de nieuwe abortuswet inhakt op ons rechtssysteem [How the new abortion law is affecting our legal system], Fernand Keuleneer, 12 July 2018, Antwerp, Belgium.
[53] Verslag van de eerste lezing van het Wetsvoorstel betreffende de vrijwillige zwangerschapsafbreking, Parl. St. 2017-18, No.. 54-3216/003, Intervention of Mrs Catherine Fonck, 28.
[54] Maarten COLETTE and Paul DE HERT, “Waarom Individualisering abortus ons niet (helemaal) bekoort [Why Individualisation abortion does not appeal to us (at all)]”, De Juristenkrant, 2018, Brussels, Belgium, N°. 377, 15.
Cite This Article
  • APA Style

    Patrick Garré. (2021). The New Abortion Law in Belgium Leads to a Virtually Full Right to the Termination of Pregnancy in the First 12 Weeks. International Journal of Philosophy, 9(4), 246-252. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijp.20210904.20

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    ACS Style

    Patrick Garré. The New Abortion Law in Belgium Leads to a Virtually Full Right to the Termination of Pregnancy in the First 12 Weeks. Int. J. Philos. 2021, 9(4), 246-252. doi: 10.11648/j.ijp.20210904.20

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    AMA Style

    Patrick Garré. The New Abortion Law in Belgium Leads to a Virtually Full Right to the Termination of Pregnancy in the First 12 Weeks. Int J Philos. 2021;9(4):246-252. doi: 10.11648/j.ijp.20210904.20

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  • @article{10.11648/j.ijp.20210904.20,
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      abstract = {In 1990, the termination of pregnancy became possible in Belgium under certain conditions. Up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, the explicit request and will of the woman and the emergency situation were the most important conditions for being allowed to have an abortion. After 12 weeks, the intervention was only permitted when the pregnancy had threatened the life of the woman or the child was suffering from a serious and incurable disease. These Belgian legislation was thoroughly reformed in 2018. This article examines whether these recent legislative changes preserve the original objectives of the abortion legislation, i.e., to ensure a balance between the protection of unborn life and the provision of assistance to the pregnant woman in need. The analysis is done by testing the recent changes in the law against these two objectives. The removal of the condition of the emergency situation, the introduction of an exception to the cooling-off period, the compulsory referral of the doctor in the event of a refusal to carry out the intervention herself, the punishment of persons who physically try to prevent a woman from entering a care institution and a limited extension of the pregnancy period have led to a quasi-full right to abortion in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. The precarious balance in the original 1990 law between the woman's need and right to self-determination and the protection of unborn life is completely abandoned in the early period of pregnancy. After these 12 weeks, however, medical conditions such as a serious and incurable disease of the unborn life or when the pregnancy threatens the life of the woman remain in force.},
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - The New Abortion Law in Belgium Leads to a Virtually Full Right to the Termination of Pregnancy in the First 12 Weeks
    AU  - Patrick Garré
    Y1  - 2021/12/29
    PY  - 2021
    N1  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijp.20210904.20
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    PB  - Science Publishing Group
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    UR  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijp.20210904.20
    AB  - In 1990, the termination of pregnancy became possible in Belgium under certain conditions. Up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, the explicit request and will of the woman and the emergency situation were the most important conditions for being allowed to have an abortion. After 12 weeks, the intervention was only permitted when the pregnancy had threatened the life of the woman or the child was suffering from a serious and incurable disease. These Belgian legislation was thoroughly reformed in 2018. This article examines whether these recent legislative changes preserve the original objectives of the abortion legislation, i.e., to ensure a balance between the protection of unborn life and the provision of assistance to the pregnant woman in need. The analysis is done by testing the recent changes in the law against these two objectives. The removal of the condition of the emergency situation, the introduction of an exception to the cooling-off period, the compulsory referral of the doctor in the event of a refusal to carry out the intervention herself, the punishment of persons who physically try to prevent a woman from entering a care institution and a limited extension of the pregnancy period have led to a quasi-full right to abortion in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. The precarious balance in the original 1990 law between the woman's need and right to self-determination and the protection of unborn life is completely abandoned in the early period of pregnancy. After these 12 weeks, however, medical conditions such as a serious and incurable disease of the unborn life or when the pregnancy threatens the life of the woman remain in force.
    VL  - 9
    IS  - 4
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Federal Public Service Social Security, Brussels, Belgium

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