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Evaluation Effect of Different Organic Fertilizers and NP Rate on Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Yield and Yield Components in Lume District

Received: 15 August 2023     Accepted: 5 September 2023     Published: 9 October 2023
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Low oil fertility was one of the major limiting factors for wheat yield reduction. As a result, inorganic fertilizers are commonly supplied to the crop. However, continuous and sole use of inorganic fertilizers may lead to; deterioration in soil chemical, physical and biological properties. Therefore, the study aimed at investigation of integrated use of organic and inorganic fertilizers on crop yield and yield components, which was conducted in a field experiment in Lume district, East Shoa Zone Ethiopia during 2018 cropping season. The organic sources used were compost and vermincompost and urea and NPS were used as an inorganic source of fertilizers. These treatments consist of: T1= 5.64t/ha compost, T2= 5.68t/haVC, T3=100% recommended NP inorganic fertilizers, T4=50% recommended NP inorganic fertilizers + 2.82t/ha compost, T5=50% recommended inorganic fertilizers + 2.84t/havermincompost, T6=No fertilizers application (control). The experiment was laid out as a randomized complete block design replicated three times per treatment. Data were collected on wheat grain yield and yield components. Economic analysis was also performed by estimating the costs of alternative uses of organic and inorganic fertilizers as well as grain and straw prices. The results showed that the application of organic fertilizer in combination with recommended rates of inorganic NP significantly increased the grain yield of food wheat over the application of 100% mineral NP alone and the control. The application of 2.84t/ha vermicompost in combination with 50% recommended rates of NPS+urea fertilizers increases 0.58t/ha wheat yield difference over the application of 100% recommended rate of inorganic NPS alone. It can be concluded that the application of 2.84t/ha vermicompost with 50% recommended rate of inorganic NPS fertilizers has maximum rate of return and can improve soil fertility status and increase the yield of wheat than other treatments. This experiment has to be repeated over seasons and locations to make conclusive recommendations for the study area.

Published in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Volume 12, Issue 5)
DOI 10.11648/j.aff.20231205.12
Page(s) 145-154
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2023. Published by Science Publishing Group


Organic, Inorganic Fertilizers, Improves, Wheat Yield

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  • APA Style

    Mekonnen Workineh Lindi. (2023). Evaluation Effect of Different Organic Fertilizers and NP Rate on Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Yield and Yield Components in Lume District. Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 12(5), 145-154. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.aff.20231205.12

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    ACS Style

    Mekonnen Workineh Lindi. Evaluation Effect of Different Organic Fertilizers and NP Rate on Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Yield and Yield Components in Lume District. Agric. For. Fish. 2023, 12(5), 145-154. doi: 10.11648/j.aff.20231205.12

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    AMA Style

    Mekonnen Workineh Lindi. Evaluation Effect of Different Organic Fertilizers and NP Rate on Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Yield and Yield Components in Lume District. Agric For Fish. 2023;12(5):145-154. doi: 10.11648/j.aff.20231205.12

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    T1  - Evaluation Effect of Different Organic Fertilizers and NP Rate on Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Yield and Yield Components in Lume District
    AU  - Mekonnen Workineh Lindi
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    AB  - Low oil fertility was one of the major limiting factors for wheat yield reduction. As a result, inorganic fertilizers are commonly supplied to the crop. However, continuous and sole use of inorganic fertilizers may lead to; deterioration in soil chemical, physical and biological properties. Therefore, the study aimed at investigation of integrated use of organic and inorganic fertilizers on crop yield and yield components, which was conducted in a field experiment in Lume district, East Shoa Zone Ethiopia during 2018 cropping season. The organic sources used were compost and vermincompost and urea and NPS were used as an inorganic source of fertilizers. These treatments consist of: T1= 5.64t/ha compost, T2= 5.68t/haVC, T3=100% recommended NP inorganic fertilizers, T4=50% recommended NP inorganic fertilizers + 2.82t/ha compost, T5=50% recommended inorganic fertilizers + 2.84t/havermincompost, T6=No fertilizers application (control). The experiment was laid out as a randomized complete block design replicated three times per treatment. Data were collected on wheat grain yield and yield components. Economic analysis was also performed by estimating the costs of alternative uses of organic and inorganic fertilizers as well as grain and straw prices. The results showed that the application of organic fertilizer in combination with recommended rates of inorganic NP significantly increased the grain yield of food wheat over the application of 100% mineral NP alone and the control. The application of 2.84t/ha vermicompost in combination with 50% recommended rates of NPS+urea fertilizers increases 0.58t/ha wheat yield difference over the application of 100% recommended rate of inorganic NPS alone. It can be concluded that the application of 2.84t/ha vermicompost with 50% recommended rate of inorganic NPS fertilizers has maximum rate of return and can improve soil fertility status and increase the yield of wheat than other treatments. This experiment has to be repeated over seasons and locations to make conclusive recommendations for the study area.
    VL  - 12
    IS  - 5
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Oromia Agricultural Research Institute, Adami Tulu Agricultural Research Center, Batu, Ethiopia

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